
Vincent Libecq

Vincent libecq sculpture le taureau ART MAG

Vincent Libecq‘s studio produces sculptures that are much more than mere objets d’art. They are vectors of emotion, bridges between the artist and the viewer. Born in 1966, Libecq learnt the art of sculpting at the age of 20. But beyond technique, transmitting his raw emotions to touch the universal is close to his heart !

Vincent Libecq, the transmitter of emotion

Describing himself as a “sculptor who passes on emotion”, he doesn’t see technique as an end in itself, but as a means of deeply touching those who stand before his works. The emotions of the world, captured by his observant eye, take shape in sculptures that speak of joy, beauty, sadness, fear, poetry and humour. In this approach, Libecq succeeds in making the intimate and the universal resonate, asserting that art is that emotion which intimately links us to the whole of humanity.

Dynamism and light in Libecq’s sculpture

His works, such as Le Loup and Le Taureau, are powerful expressions of the strength and energy of these animals. They are shaped with a personal touch that introduces openwork metal not only as a material, but also as a dynamic sculptural element that interacts with light to create a living, expressive presence.

Pour lire la suite, téléchargez ART MAG #20