
The first gold medal awarded to the artist Dan Jacobson

dan Jacobson avec Madame Tellier Isle Adam Jeux olympiques remise de la médaille d'or

In a year marked by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the town of L’Isle-Adam, which has been awarded the “Land of Games” label, is standing out with an ambitious cultural initiative: an open-air exhibition dedicated to the works of the artist Dan Jacobson. Organised at the initiative of Agnès Tellier, President of the Tourist Board and Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture and Tourism, the exhibition celebrates the Olympic spirit and showcases the talent of an artist who has captured the essence of the Games.

Dan Jacobson, an artist renowned for his ability to sublimate the region’s landscapes and buildings, presents a series of paintings that reinterpret the iconic sites of Paris and the Olympic venues. These works will be displayed on the balustrades of the Château de Vigny, along the Oise river, at the Jules Dupré rose garden and around the market in L’Isle-Adam, transforming these public spaces into veritable open-air galleries.

Each painting, with its play of light and vibrant palette, manages to breathe new energy into the buildings depicted. The fusion between Parisian architecture and the dynamism of the Olympic Games creates an atmosphere where past and present meet, where the city and the sporting event become one.

The success of this exhibition is measured not only by the number of visitors, but also by the recognition given to Dan Jacobson. At the opening, the artist was presented with the first gold medal of the 2024 Olympics, a symbolic gesture that rewards not only the exceptional quality of his work, but also his generosity. In fact, Jacobson spontaneously offered the rights to his paintings to make this exhibition possible, demonstrating his deep attachment to his region and its people.

Mers-les-Bains : A town that also celebrates Dan Jacobson

The tribute to Dan Jacobson is not limited to L’Isle-Adam. The town of Mers-les-Bains is also celebrating his talent by exhibiting 14 of his works. This recognition positions Jacobson as a key artist on the contemporary art scene, capable of inspiring a wide audience with works that combine beauty, history and modernity.

By associating art with the Olympic spirit, Dan Jacobson has created an exhibition that appeals to everyone, transcending borders and disciplines. This cultural and sporting initiative by L’Isle-Adam demonstrates once again the power of art to bring people together, to celebrate and sublimate the highlights of our shared history. A must-see exhibition and an artist to watch.

For more information about Dan Jacobson ART MAG 19

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